My husband and I have been volunteering in scouts for the last ten years. We have two sons, ages 16 & 11 that started when they were Tigers. Our youngest son just earned his Arrow of Light and has crossed over to Boy Scouts. Our oldest son is in scouts, but took off a year and is just now getting back into it.
Ten years of Cub Scouts came to an end. We are relieved to have some of our free time back, but also very sad to see such a huge part of our lives gone.
Being an Asst. District Commissioner, I will still volunteer with Cub Scouts, but it won't be the same as being right in the middle of the fun! We are now immersed into Boy Scouts with our youngest and are looking forward to the next eight years! My husband is just as into scouts as I am, but he just isn't into computers/blogging/online as I am! And he looks a whole lot better than I do in uniform! ;)